Hi there, Life Is Better folks! You probably don’t remember me, but I adopted a Yorkie from a puppy mill from you last fall, at one of the last Old South Pearl farmers’ markets. She was called Candy when we adopted her, and we’ve re-named her Rose. I just wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you how well she’s doing. She had to get some pretty major dental work done—16 teeth removed, in all—but she came through that just fine, and is eating normally and happily. This photo is from that vet visit, where she was beloved and spoiled by all the staff. We’ve been through a good manners class together, and Rose passed with flying colors. She also has a new sister, a terrier mix named Lily, and they are very happy little sweethearts. Rose is still a bit shy, and she definitely doesn’t like it when strangers approach her too quickly, but she loves the people she knows, and she’s happiest when she’s getting her belly rubbed. So I wanted you guys to be able to see the happy endings of at least one of your stories! Many thanks for our sweet little Rose. We can’t imagine life without her.