The Best Things in Life Are Rescued
Life is Better Logo Photo of Cooper

Sale on Fan Gear

We are having sale on all of our Life is Better fan gear. We have shirts, autographed books, tumblers, and other gift ideas. To see the complete list of items, visit our online store. Quantities are limited, so order now.

collage of various items available in the store

Doggone Good Coffee

Grounds and Hounds

Coffee lovers unite! The team at Life is Better Rescue is all fueled up and pumped to share that we've officially joined the Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. Grounds Crew. Grounds & Hounds offers premium coffee blends and canine-inspired merchandise that gives back to rescues like ours with each purchase.

As a special treat for our supporters, you can head to the Grounds & Hounds website and use the code LifeIsBetter for 15% off your purchase. By entering our code, Life is Better Rescue will receive 10% on all new and future orders!

Go forth and caffeinate!